Baby Chick Mikasa looking for Captain Levi Chicken

Referring back to Mikasa Ackerman Fried chicken at Lawson post,

I also found a fan art by Pheebs Draws on tumblr

Which i thought it was so adorable! 

I fell in love with the idea of having Levi's squad having a baby chick capes.

and soooo, just as I made Mikasa's chicken scarf

I also made Baby chick cape
2 color fabric. 
~ 6yds of yellow fabric
~ 6x6in of orange yellow fabric

so... yea yellow with yellow pins.. yea...

yay cape done!

fabric and interfacing for the hair and the beak

I happened to have some black fleece laying around so I used that for the eyes
and ta-da hoodie part done.

sewn cape and hoodie

Mikasa's red scarf + Survey Corps Jacket + Baby Chick Cape

Chicken Scarf + Survey Corps Jacket + Baby Chick Cape

So i'm thinking about wearing this to anime california 2014... thinking...


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