Post Jury duty

Its already been a month since I went to the Jury Summons and ended up becoming a Juror.
Around the end of June I was selected as a Juror.
I have to say that I REALLY LOVED BEING A JUROR, except that I had to serve during the FIFA 2014 season
My face when I could not watch the match between Korea vs Belgium
and found out that Korea lost the group match.

Other than that I did really enjoy being a juror

I was so close to being sent to N7, but N6 was cool too

I was sent to N6
I had a really amusing Judge
Everything that I learned during high school began to make sense when we got into judicial process and law

I would love to serve as a juror again

Right, after a week long +1day of serving as a juror I came home and had some chocolate pancake and started playing Borderlands 2 because Steam was having a sale =D


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