W.I.T.C.H. Meet Five Friends with a Big Secret

Almost a decade ago, when I was an elementary school student,
I remember having my parents to purchase this comic (W.I.T.C.H.)

Written by: Elisabetta Gnone
Pages: 64
Published: Scholastic Inc., 1st Edition 2002
ISBN: 0439431352

Since the first release, I have been waiting for the next one to be released, but that never happened.
Instead, I got sucked into manga.

Now that I finished college, I decided to see what happened to it,
The result were that somewhere between that 10 years, graphic novel form of this comic book was released.

After researching a bit about the author, I came to learn that writer Elisabetta Gnone is in Italy and that this comic was translated from Italian to English.

Anyway here are some scan of the first comic

(C) Scholastic Inc. Elisabetta Gnone
✎ From the ☾ moon that shines bright as a shooting star ☆


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